Risk and Privilege

To quit one’s job and start a company is a terrifying thing, a huge risk.

But let’s reframe that with gratitude: to be able to quit one’s job and start a company is a huge privilege.

I feel so lucky for this opportunity to embrace the risk, not that I haven’t worked for it, but there are so many things that could have worked against me but did not. Along the way I had amazing family, friends, colleagues, bosses, and mentors who believed in me and helped me gain the confidence to take this plunge.  Because those who said, “You can!” out numbered those who said, “You can’t!” the later became the exception rather than the rule.

So thank you, dear ones, for all your support and encouragement. You’ve changed my perspective on what I can accomplish.  And thank you to the founders I’ve worked for, for showing me by example what can be achieved.

Please be patient with me as I may be mostly unavailable for the next ten years.  And never stop telling others they can do it. 🙂

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